Burning Mouth Syndrome

I have created this blog as a forum for exchanging comments, information and resources for people suffering from Burning Mouth Syndrome. If anyone has received help for this condition, I would like to hear about it. And I'd like to start sharing recipes that those of us with BMS can eat -- soft, mild foods that taste good!

Friday, November 24, 2006


One of the most troublesome aspects of having BMS is the limitations on foods I can eat. I can't eat peppers, which pretty much eliminates two of my favorite cuisines, Mexican and Indian. Acidic foods like tomatoes, citrus fruit and vinegar are also out, which precludes a lot of Italian foods as well as my favorite salad dressing, vinaigrette. Also anything hard and crunchy is difficult, and grainy textures like cornbread bother me a lot. I can eat chips in very small bites, being very careful not to let the edges of the pieces hurt my mouth. My doctor also thinks I might have acid reflux (which can be a cause of BMS, although the oral pathologist I saw didn't think that was so in my case), so he told me to cut back on chocolate. I can eat meat if it's tender enough; I've been eating more fish and chicken than red meat because it just seems easier.

So that basically leaves me with soft, bland foods. Pasta, oatmeal, eggs, all kinds of dairy: yoghurt, cheese, cottage cheese, milk, ice cream. (Fortunately I live in Texas where Blue Bell Homemade Vanilla is readily available.) Potatoes, rice, bread, pudding, Fruit: peaches (no fresh local ones at this time of year, though), bananas, applesauce, ripe pears. I've really missed good, juicy naval oranges and juice. I think grapes and plums would be too acidic also. Vegetables are OK as long as they're cook soft enough.

I'm trying to think of creative ways to make some of these foods more flavorful. Chicken & dumplings, homemade chicken noodle soup, and cheese and guacamole omelets are some of the best things I've come up with lately. I'll add to this list later and also post some more recipes.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd never heard of bms until i cam across your blog, it sounds really nasty. I hope you find a resolution for your problem soon, in the meatime i sympahise with your diet restrictions - can't be any fun at all

6:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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10:48 AM  

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