Continuing Improvement
I've been noticing slight improvements in the past week or so. I made some sancocho (Panamanian soup--recipe posted Nov. 9), and was able to put a tiny bit of habanero pepper sauce in it. Today I ate strawberries for the first time. Also I've drunk some coffee a couple of times and have been able to handle it a little better. I still have to let it cool off a lot first, but it's starting to taste better and not leave my mouth feeling so dry and rough as it had. The other day I ate a little bit of pico de gallo, after taking out the jalapenos.
I had my annual physical exam the other day and my doctor recommended continuing to take Nortriptylene. I expressed a little reluctance because it's an anti-depressant, but he said that at the low dosage I'm taking it's just for treating neuropathy.
I had my annual physical exam the other day and my doctor recommended continuing to take Nortriptylene. I expressed a little reluctance because it's an anti-depressant, but he said that at the low dosage I'm taking it's just for treating neuropathy.